Monday, July 13, 2009


Palin is polling well but keep in mind the person who will be the Republican nominee for President in 2012 is not yet on the radar screen.

The desire of non-republicans to have Palin become the nominee is in order for them to have an easy election. Two things. 1) Since most would be expecting Obama as the Democratic nominee you should be hoping that Obama does a great job as president, and will not be in a position to need an easy opponent when running for re-election. 2) You do not want the person who will be a horrible president to have a lot of money. If the person would receive the nomination and some scandal hit the Obama camp, it could be enough of a shift to allow the person to win. It’s the old ‘be careful what you wish for’ saying. A mistake is in thinking that you want the person you view as being the worse President to be the nominee. Then you find out the person does well as a candidate. You would want the WORST candidate of those who could be a GOOD President. Palin’s popularity demonstrates a great desire for a conservative leader in the Republican Party.
People who are supporting Palin are doing so because they are thirsting for a conservative candidate. George HW Bush won because of peoples love of Reagan and lost when he went away from there, broke his promise and allowed new taxes. George W Bush won only a close election. Gore just needed to win his own HOME State of Tennessee. When the Republicans lose they think ‘we must be too far to the right’ not recognizing that it may be because voters have decided to not vote. As you move further and further to the left you lose more and more. IF moving to the left was the correct direction you would see better results.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Mainstream Sotomayor

Each time a person is nominated to the Supreme Court, people will ask ‘Is the nominee in the mainstream?’ So what does it mean to be in the ‘mainstream’? I see one definition has being “The prevailing current of thought, influence, or activity”.
If the prevailing current of thought is outside of the US Constitution then I do not want the nominee to be in the ‘mainstream’. If the ‘mainstream’ view of the second amendment would have crossed the line of constitutionality but the ‘mainstream’ has not changed the constitution, then I would expect the Supreme court to rule against them. I expect the nominee to follow the US constitution, not what is popular. If its truly popular, I would expect the constitution to change.

Take the D.C. voting rights Bill. It would give the Washington D.C. a vote in the U.S. House. But this is reserved for States. Washington D.C. has not chosen to become our 51st state, and no one is changing the Constitution to allow D.C. to have votes. Allowing them to have a vote may have ‘mainstream’ support but it’s not constitutional. If it has sufficient support it would not be tough to make it constitutional. Simply passing legislation does not make it constitutional.

The Constitution is not living and breathing. It’s static. Its interpretation is not to change as each generation desires. Each generation may chose to change the Constitution, but you change the Constitution. You don’t pass unconstitutional legislation because you think it would be the right thing to do. You don’t pass laws to grant powers to the executive branch because you want them to do something. Congress can not just pass any legislation it wants. Yet that is what it does, and it seems to be accepted by the American people.

If being mainstream means not being constitutional, then don’t be mainstream.